1·Please sign the Custom Declaration in English.
2·Please fill in the form clearly for Custom Declaration.
3·Can you give me another copy of the Chinese version Custom Declaration?
4·Sample without commercial value, only for the Purpose of Custom declaration .
5·College degree or above and majored in Logistics, International Trade with qualification of custom declaration.
6·Responsibilities:- 1, Oversee the operations of flow of goods, including management of shipping, warehouse, inventory, transportation, and custom declaration administration;
工作职责: 1、监督货物流动操作,包括货运、仓库、库存、运输及清关管理;
7·Transportation by air or by sea will be adopted according to the Client's request. We will be responsible for all procedures like documents, inspections and custom declaration within China.
8·The direct use of SCA references and properties within your Spring application context file, without custom SCA namespaces, is called implicit declaration of SCA services, references, and properties.
9·Next, we add a JSP declaration to any page that will need to use the custom tag library.
10·The first declaration hauls in the standard stylesheet for the current theme and the second declaration adds a stylesheet that is custom-created for the applet.